Retail Merchants Plan Expansion
February 8th, 1954
Rue Dastrup, president of the newly formed Retail Merchants Association of Susanville, appointed J. E. McKahan chairman of a committee to elect directors and Herbert Hersey chairman of a membership committee, at the first full-fledged organizational meeting of the association at the Hotel Mt. Lassen
Bob Yanger, Charles Courvoisier and Mrs. Myrtle Munley were appointed members of the director selection committee and Gabriel Laxalt, Yanger and Courvoisier were appointed members of the membership committee.
Ethel Anderson was elected vice president by a vote of association members, and Mrs. Pearle Lewis, secretary-treasurer. A formal resolution was adopted setting membership dues at $1 per year, and 20 charter members were formally included in the association.
A resolution was also adopted setting the aims of the association to promote better business in Susanville, and to promote better relations between merchants and the public.
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