A SusanvilleStuff PhotoFeature
by Jeremy Couso
Despite having to close early because of rain showers the 32nd annual Lassen County Children’s Fair, held last Saturday at the fairgrounds, was again a huge hit with young and old alike.
For more than three decades now the Lassen County Office of Education has presented children of Lassen County with a special day all their own, a low-cost and family friendly event held each May at the fairgrounds.
This year the fair featured a Family Dance Party with contests and prizes, a free CHP car seat check-up in the main parking lot, the Office of Education’s Tinkering Lab, emergency vehicle displays, educational booths, magic shows and inflatable playgrounds.
Lassen County Sheriff’s Deputies put on an exhibition featuring Brinks, the LCSO’s K-9 officer.
Vendors were on hand to provide barbecued hot dogs, hamburgers, corndogs and more yummy stuff.
The Children’s Fair is intended to be a benefit to the community and not a profit-making opportunity.
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