The Susanville Police Explorer Post is asking for the community’s help getting to an upcoming Explorer competition in Nevada. The 12 local explorer scouts have spent the summer preparing to compete against other posts from the region in activities like shooting, police take-downs, report writing and physical activities.
Cost to be a part of the explorer competition is $250 per explorer and $177 for each explorer advisor. The cost covers rooms, food, trophies and training materials and the Explorers are asking for the community’s support to make this happen.
Post explorers held a car wash on Sunday at IGA to raise funds and O’Reilly’s Auto Parts donated more than $200 in supplies to help.
Jeff Chew and the Pizza Factory are helping the kids raise money as well. Explorers are selling discount cards which have a bunch of great Pizza Factory deals, and the money raised will send one explorer to competition.
What is a Police Explorer?
A Police Explorer is a volunteer resource for the Susanville Police Department, participating in multiple police department activities, including working with the patrol divisions.
The program is designed to help young people become responsible individuals by teaching positive character traits, career development, leadership, and life skills so they can make ethical choices and achieve their full potential.
Around town the Explorer’s are seen helping at fundraisers, providing assistance to law enforcement, serving breakfast at the VFW and even stuffing eggs for this year’s community Easter Egg hunt.
You can drop off donations for the explorer post trip at O’Reilly’s on Main Street. The post must register for the competion, and funds need to be raised, before July 20th.
You can click here to connect with the Police Explorers on Facebook.