Home Community Why We Love This Place Wednesdays: Jeremy Sturgeon and Rabid Mammoth Tattoo

Why We Love This Place Wednesdays: Jeremy Sturgeon and Rabid Mammoth Tattoo


By Terra Avilla

This week, I was looking at old pictures from the Police Department and I came across one of good ol’ Jeremy Sturgeon.

Jeremy was one of my very first friends and partners in crime in Susanville.

Seven years ago, when I started at the Police Department, Jeremy was the evidence technician. After starting here, I quickly became pregnant and Jeremy was my ‘Keeper’ – in charge of keeping me fed and entertained.

While I was pregnant and assigned to a light duty assignment, I spent a large portion of my day with Jeremy in evidence. I’m sure he was super thrilled to be accompanied day in and out by a hormonal pregnant lady. But, in true Jeremy fashion, if he was ever bothered or annoyed, he never let it show.

Naturally, after I was done being pregnant, I could not wait to get one of his legendary tattoos. I had repeatedly seen his artwork on my co-workers and friends and could not wait to have my very own “Rabid Mammoth” tattoo. [Don’t tell my parents, but I actually have gotten tattooed by Mr. Jeremy twice over the years.]

Jeremy is a talented artist. There is no disputing that. He is professional and artistic and reasonably priced. I have gotten dozens of compliments on his artwork.

He is good at what he does, and there is no disputing that. But Jeremy isn’t just a good artist, he is a good person and he is good for our community.

Out of all my years of organizing events Jeremy is the only business owner who I think has actually yelled at me for not taking his money. I consistently get messages from him that usually read to the effect of, “Hey! I have money that I want to give you! Come see me!”

Or “You know I’m in to donate right? Come by my shop woman!”

And he does donate. To all sorts of events and groups. He does so quietly, and he goes out of his way to do it.

Rabid Mammoth Tattoo is a local place, that locals can get one-of-a-kind, custom tattoos. But I would be remiss, if I didn’t mention all the other cool things Jeremy does or is a part of. He owns Jefferson Coffee, Simmer Sticks and is an accredited local Realtor.

Jeremy is an unsung community hero and entrepreneur who continues to give back to our community, set a positive role model and he, of course, is one of the reasons I love the place we live.

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