New Sidewalk and New Hotel
Large Amounts of Material is Being Assembled at Susanville
October 31, 1913
Susanville will be a division point. This has been settled beyond cavil by the commencement of a seven stall round house like the one at Colfax. Not only will this be built as soon as possible but a 6,000 barrel oil tank will be put up for the fueling of locomotives.
One of the most interesting things to be seen along the right of way in the neighborhood of town is the vast amount of material accumulated for the building of the road in advance.
Not only is this an assurance that the road will be pushed on to completion as soon as possible, but it is confidently asserted by those in a position to know that 50 miles of new road have been ordered built. There have been several surveying parties working in advance of the end of the road for several months and this is what they have been doing.
Strength is given to this rumor by the fact that the Utah Construction company is said to be buying large quantities of supplies for use in the spring. That they did not come here for one year’s work is certified by the character of the plant placed here and by the fact that they are not preparing to leave here now that the present contract is practically completed.
Enough ties are piled up in the yard to build several miles of road and the manner of piling them shows that they are expected to stay where they are for some time. There are also vast quantities of bridge and other railroad building material in the yard.
The round house is only a straw which shows the direction of the wind and it is a safe wager that the road will be pushed on into the Oregon country as rapidly as possible.
That the building of the road will mean much to Susanville is already proven and when a railroad population is added to the present one this will be a very busy little city.