New Reservoir Is Underway
October 4, 1941
Under the direction of state and federal government inspectors work is being rushed on a 100-acre foot reservoir on the premises of Mardis Barry, whose holdings are located a mile and a half east of Susanville.
The big individual irrigating system, the first of the kind constructed in this section of the state, is being financed by the Farm Security Administration.
Already 10,000 cubic yards of earth have been moved in the construction of two main earthen dams. Howard Rudnle of Ukiah, Calif., of the bureau of soil conservation of the state department of agriculture, is making tests to determine the solidity of the pack.
Thomas F. McGowan of Placerville, Calif., a government construction engineer, is in charge of the work.
Barry, brother of Attorney Hardin Barry of Susanville, will water 60 acres of alfalfa with this story of mountain runoff water. Another 100 acres under cultivation on his premises is irrigated by waters of the Susan River.