Lassen School Resumes Work
Susanville Students Return to Classes As Peace Reigns
May 6, 1937
All was quiet on the Lassen county union high school and junior college front today, with students attending a full day of classes for the first time since Tuesday.
Threats of a permanent school strike over possible retention of six teachers on the school force were dispelled yesterday following a mass student meeting at which all surplus “steam” was “blown off” by the students.
A project vote by the students to determine sentiment regarding backing up charges filed against the six instructors by the county school board with the state department of education has been definitely called off, leaders requested.
The meeting ended yesterday at the request of Principal I. V. Funderbaugh, whose resignation touched off a flurry of trouble.
During the meeting two interested parents appeared before the students. The parents were Mrs. E. L. Thornburn and Mrs. J. V. Baker, instead of Mrs. A. E. Baker as previously reported.