Uptown Spotlight
by Kelly Fairbank
Growing up playing video games was a welcome distraction for Thomas Herrera, owner of Cruise N Games in Uptown Susanville. “It helped me through some hard times when I was younger. I learned important life lessons by making decisions to do the right or wrong thing.” For Thomas, “Playing video games helped me grow as a human being.”
In addition to playing video games, Thomas always had a passion for comic books and comic book stores.
“I just loved the feeling of buying the real thing. The digital age has changed the comic book business. We are removed from the whole experience now.”
His new Main Street business allows him to relive his childhood love of comic book stores while providing others the magical experience of thumbing through comics in a real comic book store.
He enjoys stories; to see into other people’s lives. “When I can see through other’s eyes, it explains why they are the way they are. It can help me be more understanding, compassionate and more loving to others.”
Another important life lesson Thomas took to heart is to ‘do what you can with what you have.’ Growing up as a home-schooled, middle child he struggled with feelings of being stuck and afraid.
Reading stories about popular superheroes such as Batman, Spiderman and Wolverine gave Thomas the courage to fulfill his own dreams. Thomas finally realized his dream when he opened his store last September.
The compact, well-organized store offers a large variety of gaming items which include mostly used, but some new video games for Atari, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, Gamegear, Sega and
Thomas carries video game systems and accessories, comic wall art, used movies in VHS and DVD, comic books, collectible action figures, vinyl records, CDs and cassette tapes.
Visit Cruise N Games at 724 Main Street, Uptown Susanville, right next door to the Pioneer Saloon. The store is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.
You can also check out his Facebook page or call 530-249-0186.