A Nice Place to Go
May 23, 1883
The Susanville excursion came back last evening at 5 o’clock, after a delightful trip. Everybody was as hospitable as could be.
The Susanville people did everything possible for their comfort and pleasure. They say Reno people make more noise on less liquor than anybody they ever saw.
A special vote of thanks was made to Henry Bereman, who carried them in his carriage to several interesting places, and who entertained them in his pleasant rooms in a handsome manner.
The Masonic bodies in Susanville are in a flourishing condition, and have both the ability and the inclination to receive visitors in a credible way.
There is an interest manifested in the order there that is quite refreshing compared with that shown in Reno, where an apathy prevails that is allowing the younger societies to gather in the best material among the young men of the country.
The Susanville Chapter has $3,500 at interest and the Lodge and Commandery are both nicely fixed. The latter has 79 names of men who are a credit to the order of knighthood.